
As of March 25, 2018

[First Name][Middle Name][Last Name][Affiliation]
MakitoAbe: University of Tsukuba
YipingAo: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
ShoheiArata: Osaka University
ShinyaAzami: University of Tsukuba
RolandBacon: CRAL
AmyJBarger: University of Wisconsin-Madison
ChristophBehrens: SNS Pisa, Italy
JeremyBlaizot: Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
SarahE IBosman: University College London
SietskeBouma: University of Potsdam
JoannaBridge: University of Louisville
AndrewBunker: University of Oxford
ChrisByrohl: MPA Garching
SebastianoCantalupo: ETH Zurich
Seok-JunChang: Sejong University
JonathanChardin: Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
RobinCiardullo: Penn State University
LennoxLauchlanCowie: U of Hawaii
DawnKErb: University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
AndreaFerrara: Scuola Normale Superiore
StevenFinkelstein: The University of Texas at Austin
HayleyFinley: Stockholm University
GarryForan: Swinburn University of Technology
SeijiFujimoto: University of Tokyo
SofiaGallego: ETH Zurich
MaxGronke: UCSB
CarylGronwall: Pennsylvania State University
CainaHao: Tianjin Normal University
YuichiHarikane: The University of Tokyo
KenjiHASEGAWA: Nagoya University
TakuyaHashimoto: Osaka-Sangyo University, NAOJ
MatthewJHayes: Stockholm University
GerhardHensler: University of Vienna, Dept. of Astrophysics
RyoHiguchi: The University of Tokyo
GaryJHill: University of Texas at Austin
MiftahulHilmi: The University of Tokyo
WeidaHu: University of Science and Technology of China
AsukaIgarashi: University of Tsukuba
RyoheiItoh: Institute for Cosmic Ray Research
LiJi: Purple Mountain Observatory
LinhuaJiang: Peking University
IntaeJung: The University of Texas at Austin
KokiKakiichi: University College London
RyotaKakuma: The University of Tokyo
MariosKarouzos: Nature Astronomy
NobunariKashikawa: NAOJ
DaichiKashino: ETH Zuerich
JosephineVictoriaKerutt: Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
ShotaroKikuchihara: ICRR / U. Tokyo
SatoshiKikuta: NAOJ/SOKENDAI
EunchongKim: Seoul National University/KASI
TaysunKimm: Yonsei University
TakashiKojima: University of Tokyo
AlexKrolewski: UC Berkeley
HarukaKusakabe: The University of Tokyo
ClotildeLaigle: University of Oxford
Ting-WenLan: Kavli IPMU
FlorianeLeclercq: Center for Astronomical Research of Lyon, France
Khee-GanLee: Kavli IPMU
YongmingLiang: NAOJ, SOKENDAI
SiddharthaGurungLópez: CEFCA
SangeetaMalhotra: Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA
ChristopherMartin: California Institute of Technology
MichaelMaseda: Leiden Observatory
YuichiMatsuda: NAOJ
KenMawatari: Osaka Sangyo University
AndreiAlbertMesinger: Scuola Normale Superiore
RiekoMomose: National Tsing Hua University
MasaoMori: University of Tsukuba
ShiroMukae: Univ. of Tokyo
KentaroNagamine: Osaka University
KimihikoNakajima: European Southern Observatory
TomohiroNozawa: Kavli IPMU
KazuyukiOgura: Bunkyo Univ.
KatsuyaOkoshi: Tokyo University of Science
YoshiakiOno: University of Tokyo
KenOsato: The University of Tokyo
GöranÖstlin: Stockholm university
MasamiOuchi: The University of Tokyo
LauraPentericci: INAF-OAR
GabrielePezzulli: ETH Zurich
JaninePforr: ESA/ESTEC
NorPirzkal: STScI
LuckyPuspitarini: Institut Teknologi Bandung
MichaelRauch: Carnegie Observatories
JamesE.Rhoads: NASA GSFC
JohanRichard: Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
EmilRivera-Thorsen: Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway
AxelRunnholm: Stockholm University
RikkeLundSaust: AIP, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
KasperBorelloSchmidt: Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
Kwang-ilSeon: Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute
TakatoshiShibuya: The University of Tokyo
KazuhiroShimasaku: University of Tokyo
JohnSilverman: Kavli IPMU
AaronSmith: The University of Texas at Austin
HyunmiSong: Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute
DanStark: University of Arizona
YumaSugahara: ICRR, UTokyo
NaoSuzuki: Kavli IPMU
MengtaoTang: University of Arizona
JunToshikawa: University of Tokyo
TommasoTreu: UCLA
EtsukoUjike: Open University in Japan
MasayukiUmemura: Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
TanyaUrrutia: Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik, Potsdam
EmmyVentou: IRAP, Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology, Toulouse, France
AnneVerhamme: University of Geneva
ZhenyuanWang: Tsinghua University
LutzWisotzki: Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
JinWu: Peking university
KiyotoYabe: Kavli IPMU
HidenobuYajima: Tohoku University, Japan
SatoshiYamanaka: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
HuanYang: Carnegie-LCO
SuraphongYuma: Mahidol University
ShuinaiZhang: Purple Mountain Observatory
HaibinZhang: University of Tokyo
ZhengZheng: University of Utah
ZhenyaZheng: Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences

If you have any questions, please email lya2018 @